When Bursting Through participates in community events like Arts Festivals, we share this KNOWLEDGE: 55% of the US adult population self-identify as an LGBTQ+ Ally and 7.1% self-identify as LGBTQ+ .
Bursting Through then EMPOWERS people to leave a message to tell us what Allyship means to them. This is done because hate is organized and WE, Allies and The Queer Community, are not.
WE are the majority and need to be SEEN AND HEARD!
Here are this month's Allship belief messages. Use the comment button below to tell us what Allyship means to you and put your beliefs into the world.

Thank you for being a Bursting Through member and an Active Ally. To keep Bursting Through moving forward and add more like minded people to our community:
Follow me on Linkedin and encourage your network to as well.
Make a one time financial contribution to help me produce paid advertising.
Buy me a caffeinated beverage, in the form of a monthly membership, to keep me energized while I work.
Share these Allyship belief statements with your community.
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