When Bursting Through POPS-UP at events, we share that 55% of the adult U.S. population self-identify as Allies of the LGBTQ+ Community, and 7.1% self-identify as LGBTQ+. We then ask people to share what being or having an Ally means to them.
People show up and become Bursting Through Messengers who want to be heard, witnessed, and connected through shared humanity. Each Allyship belief statement helps create a more caring and connected society that we all deserve and is added to the Bursting Through message library.
Here are this month's Allyship belief messages. Use the comment button below to become a Bursting Through Messenger and share what Allyship means to you. WE are the majority and need to be SEEN AND HEARD!
Thank you for being a Bursting Through member and an Active Ally. To keep Bursting Through moving forward and add more like minded people to our community:
Have Bursting Through POP UP at your event.
Make a one time financial contribution to help produce paid advertising.
Buy me a caffeinated beverage, in the form of a monthly membership, to keep me energized while I work.
Share these Allyship belief statements with your community.
Learn how to bring a Bursting Through Allyship Awareness Experience to you.